Carolina Ribeiro

Content Manager


Hi, my name is Carolina, and I work on the Tour Scanner blog as a Content Manager. I live in a city near Porto, Portugal, and while I still call the north home, my journeys have taken me to many places. I studied Journalism and Communication in Coimbra, Advertising and Public Relations (MA) in Braga and spent a semester in Poland. I have visited more than 20 countries, fuelling what has become my greatest passion: Travelling! I am not certain when it all started, but now it has grown from a desire to a necessity :)

Travel background

Although it is a bit difficult to say when my love to travel began, it really took off on a family trip along the Côte d'Azur in 2012. Since then, I have been fortunate enough to travel every year. From European classics to Turkey, Cape Verde, Mexico, Russia and most recently Rio de Janeiro, the list of countries I want to visit is only growing.

Best travel experiences

It is tough for me to choose just one best travel experience. I have great memories from all trips, and I do not have any regrets. However, I can highlight my trip to Turkey because it was the first time I experienced a major culture shock - the noise of Istanbul, the Ezan (call to prayer), the food, and the people. I also had the chance to see the sunrise from a hot air balloon in Cappadocia, which I will never forget.